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'œHalftime'� (Netflix): A documentary about Jennifer Lopez set around her Super Bowl performance. 'œHustle'� (Netflix, on June 8): Adam Sandler is a past his prime basketball scout who needs a win and finds it abroad. Set four years after the destruction of Isla Nublar, this installment promises new dinosaurs, new stars like DeWanda Wise and nonstop action. 'œJurassic World Dominion'� (Universal, theaters): The 'œconclusion'� to the Jurassic World franchise melds the Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard films with the stars of the original 'Jurassic Park,' Laura Dern, Sam Neill and Jeff Goldblum. 'œInterceptor'� (Netflix): Elsa Pataky plays an army captain who must protect a remote station.

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